2007年12月30日 星期日

A Man or a Mouse? 洛基還是弱雞?

Chris:How's it going, Jack? Are you all packed up to move?
Jack:I think so. Can you help me carry this TV to the car?
Chris:I guess so. I have some time.
Jack:Thanks. And this chair, too? And the lamp. And that desktop.
Chris:Dude, can't you lift any of those things yourself? Are you a man or a mouse?
Jack:Oh, and don't forget the mouse pad, please.
傑克:喔,別忘了還有滑鼠墊,拜託你囉。 Chris:Next time, hire a mover. 克里斯:你下次請個搬運工吧!

延伸學習 ●俚語精解 ˙a man or a mouse 克里斯答應幫傑克搬電視,沒想到傑克竟得寸進尺,克里斯忍不住發難:“Are you a man or a mouse?”。mouse指「老鼠」,這句話字面上意思是「你是男人還是老鼠?」,因mouse常被用來影射弱者,所以這句話可引申為「你是男子漢還是懦夫?」,或者更通俗說法「你是洛基還是弱雞?」
˙play (a game of) cat and mouse with someone 逗弄某人;欲擒故縱 字面意思是「和某人玩貓抓老鼠的遊戲」。貓抓老鼠的目的不盡然是為了果腹,大多數貓抓到老鼠後,只是逗弄牠們,所以引申為「逗弄某人」。另外也有「欲擒故縱」之意。 例:The police are playing a game of cat and mouse with the kidnapper.(警方正與綁匪玩貓捉老鼠的遊戲。) ˙
burn not your house to fright the mouse away 不要小題大作 burn是動詞,指「燒毀」。fright此處作動詞,表「使驚嚇」(= frighten),與 away 並用則表「把……嚇跑」,字面意思是「不要為了趕跑老鼠而把房子燒掉」。引申為「不要小題大作」。
●關鍵字詞 ˙ pack v.裝箱,打包;擠入 例:All my bags are packed, and I'm ready to go.(我已經打包好所有行李,隨時可以出發。) ˙ pad n.墊子 例:Avoid jackets with shoulder pads. They look kind of outdated.(避免有墊肩的外套。它們看起來有點過時。)

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